Friday, March 07, 2008

Nintendo DS Navi Starry Sky: See the Sky... with a DS!

You want to see the sky at night, but having trouble seeing it thru a tiny weeny telescope? Fear not, my fellow astronomy enthusiast. An astronomy software and magazine publisher 'AstroArt' from Japan just announced that they will release a new Nintendo DS device, called 'Navi Starry Sky' this summer.

According to their website, this device will act as a 'telescope' by pointing and waving your DS to the sky at night, and you'll see a constellation name and commentaries in that direction, wherever you point onto a celestial object. How? Just imagine you're waving a Sixaxis with a dual screen, to the sky. Yes, this device is equipped with tilt sensor pre
tty much like a Wiimote and Sixaxis.

In addition, the device also has a bank data of many celestial constellations and planets, which will guide you with an arrow on the display, to show you the correct position of a particular astronomical object in the sky. This is very convenient indeed.

This product will be launched in a Photo Imaging Expo in Tokyo, March 19 - 22. Stay tuned for a North American and European release.

With this kind of device for DS, this will open a helluva lot of possibilities for future DS development. Maybe later some other Japanese company can develop a gold nugget finder or oil wells. Now that's too much. Or is it?


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